Database Tier - Caches

IFS Applications uses caches to make ensure an efficient application. If the caches are not reflecting the current data this might cause an undesirable state.

Multiple Instances: No

Interval: Once a day (every 1440 minute) - Due to heavy SQL queries

Status Expression
Warning If (Dictionary refresh == 1)
Description The Dictionary cache should be refreshed after you have deployed any view or package into the database. The Dictionary cache is used to get information about Logical Units (LU’s), attributes, methods, arguments and enumerations.
Prerequisite: The patch for LCS bug #133963 should have been installed, included in Apps9 UPD6
Impact IFS Application logic not working correctly, e.g. administration of permission set and configurations.
Suggestion Execute refresh of dictionary sys cache.
IEE: Solution Manager\System Information and Utilities\Refresh Server Cache (Cache Type: Dictionary)

If (Reference refresh == 1)
Description The Reference cache should be refreshed after you have deployed any view (package) which changes the reference information about the LU's.
The Reference cache manages data needed for checking of referential integrity. The Reference cache is used any time you remove data in any client.
Prerequisite: The patch for LCS bug #133963 should have been installed, included in Apps9 UPD6.
Impact It is not possible to remove data records in any IFS client.
Suggestion Execute refresh of reference sys cache.
IEE: Solution Manager\System Information and Utilities\Refresh Server Cache  (Cache Type: Reference).

If (Report refresh == 1)
Description The Report Cache should be refreshed after you have added/modified a report or any resource connected to a report. The Report cache holds information about report title, prompts for attributes, layouts, format and life span.
Prerequisite: The patch for LCS bug #134409 should have been installed, included in Apps9 UPD6.
Impact Ordering of report not working correctly.
Suggestion Execute refresh of report cache.
IEE: Solution Manager\System Information and Utilities\Refresh Server Cache (Cache Type: Report).
OK If not status Warning.
Unknown Missing application response.

Metric & Service Command line example
Dictionary refresh java -jar application-monitoring-metrics-cli.jar db -host=localhost -instance=<instancename> -user=ifsmonitoring -pass=<password> -request=DICTIONARY_REFRESH -weq=1 -do
Reference refresh java -jar application-monitoring-metrics-cli.jar db -host=localhost -instance=<instancename> -user=ifsmonitoring -pass=<password> -request=REFERENCE_REFRESH -weq=1 -do
Report refresh java -jar application-monitoring-metrics-cli.jar db -host=localhost -instance=<instancename> -user=ifsmonitoring -pass=<password> -request=REPORT_REFRESH -weq=1 -do