Licensing - IFS License

This metric checks if the IFS Applications license is installed correctly and is not about to expire. It will also measure the IFS license usage and can be configured to alert if usage is close to the license limit.

Multiple Instances: No

Interval: Every 60 minutes (12 times per day)

Status Expression
Critical If (License Expiration Days Left < 15)

Impact If the IFS License expires then the system will be unavailable after a short grace period. When there is no Licensed Users left, then new users cannot have access to the application.
Suggestion It is strongly advised to immediately take action and renew the IFS License. Emergency license can be used for a short time period until a new license is available. Upgrade the license limit if needed.
Warning If (License Expiration Days Left < 30) or (Licensed Users Left < 5)

Impact If the IFS License expires then the system will be unavailable after a short grace period. When there is no Licensed Users left, then new users cannot have access to the application.
Suggestion Consider, within a few days, to take action and renew the IFS License. Upgrade the license limit if needed.
OK If not status Warning or Critical.
Unknown Missing application response.

Metric & Service Command line example
License Expiration Days java -jar application-monitoring-metrics-cli.jar db -host=localhost -instance=<instancename> -user=ifsmonitoring -pass=<password> -request=days_left -wb=30 -cb=15
Left Licensed Users Left java -jar application-monitoring-metrics-cli.jar db -host=localhost -instance=<instancename> -user=ifsmonitoring -pass=<password> -request=users_left -wb=5