Import Terms

This chapter describes how you can import terms. There are a number of different options when importing terms, you can choose to import terms from aggregated XML files or from single files. You can also import translations for all active languages or specify which languages you would like to import translations for.


Import Settings

Figure 1. This picture shows the different import settings.

First you select from where and what actions should be made when importing files.

Then you select whether you want to import Terms and/or Translations.

Select Owners

The file structure for the term files represents the structure of Term owners including all active languages. Only files in selected directories and languages will be imported. This option is only valid when importing from a local directory.

Figure 2. Example of a structure where only two directories are selected one with terms and one with translations.

Note: If you select the topmost check box all owners/directories will be selected. 

Execute Import

When you have entered the settings you want, press the Import... button. Terms and Translations will now be imported.

Note: If you select all files the import will take a long time.  

When the Import is running, two progress bars will be visible to show the progress. One that shows the overall progress and one for the current owner.