
This chapter describes how you can import and export terms. Terms are essentially used for translation of the application. A term comes with one or more describing definitions, these term definitions are the basis for the in-application help texts. A term belongs to an owner and is typically stored in a folder that corresponds to that owner. The terms themselves are stored in XML files. These files normally contain all terms for an owner, but there is also an option to work with single term xml files. The latter is recommended if you want to store or move one term at a time. 

Terms and language files are normally imported by IFS Installer, which is the recommended way of doing the import.

Read more about the concept Terms



Terms can be either be imported by using the IFS Installer or the Import Terms feature. You will need terms in order to run the application on any language other than English. Terms are stored in an xml format. There are two different types of xml files than can be imported.

You start by importing the files that contain all information about a term except the translations. You then proceed by importing the files that contain the translated display names and usage definitions. Both these steps are optional but normally you run both of them in sequence.

The import replaces any existing terms with the imported files, it's therefore important that the term xml files are synchronized before importing. The synchronization is done in two separate steps. You start by exporting the terms that are modified using the Export Terms feature. Then, you need to do a file diff between your exported file and the file to import. Any changes should be merged into the imported file. You can of course skip the synchronization step if you haven't modified any existing terms or translations.

Import Terms

Here can your read more about how you can import terms into the application and how the different import settings work in detail. 

Export Terms

Here can your read more about how you can export terms from the application and how the different export settings work in detail. 

Import Language Files

Here can your read more about how you can import language and text translations files into the application and how the different import settings work in detail.

Export Language Files

Here can your read more about how you can export language and text translations files from the application and how the different export settings work in detail.