User Profiles

The IFS Web Client has user profiles located in the database, together with profiles for other IFS clients, using the common profile framework. Each end user will get a separate profile that he/she can customize as desired. This profile information may contain each user's customized portal/portlet and page information together will profile information common to other clients. There are two levels of profile information that can be valid for a certain combination of user, URL and object:

The final profile a user gets is a result of merging the user's personal profile with the default one assigned by the administrator.
Profiles can be administrated using IFS Solution Manager.


User Profiles Connected to Pages

There are two types of profiles connected to pages.

Page Properties 

Page level customization can be done from the "Customizable Screen Layout" window which opens up when you click the Properties icon on the command bar.

You can customize the overview layout, menu items, setting default values and query-able fields. If you are a power user then you can customize the detail layout and change field properties such as mandatory and read only. Your customization can be overridden by the application logic. For an example, a field which you set to editable can be still read-only if the application logic set it to read-only due to certain conditions. Please note that the changes will NOT take effect until the underlying page is refreshed.

This section is described in detail under following link

Saved Queries

With this feature users can save desired query condition values for later use. Users can save query conditions in any page, including LOV pages. The feature is available in the find layout of the page.

To save a query condition, enter the values in the required fields and click . This will open a dialog where the name of the query to be saved can be entered.

All saved queries and the default "Previous Query" options are shown in the "Saved Queries" select box.

To filter the search result according to a saved query condition. Choose the appropriate saved query from the select box and click the "ok" button. 

To edit a user saved query condition simply choose that condition from the select box, change the values and click . This will again open the save query name dialog box with the selected name. The user can either save using this name, which will edit the existing entry, or give a different name, which will save a new entry.

To delete a user saved query select the desired query from the select box and click

The "Previous Query" option can be used to retrieve the values used in the last query condition. This default option can not be deleted nor edited by the user.

User Profiles Connected to the Portal

The portal can be customized using user profiles. General portal configuration, configures portlets available in a portal view. Several  portal views can be available at a time. Each individual portlet in a particular portal page can be customized separately. These portal and portlet information is kept in user profiles. 

In the general configuration window the end user can choose from all available portlets to show in the portal page by moving the required portlets to the appropriate columns in the portal page.  User can customize the number of columns and column properties, even multi column portlets, which will span through the width of all the slim columns, could be added.

Individual portlets can be customized by using a customization link available in the portlet. This is not a standard functionality added by the IFS Web Client and only customizable portlets have this link visible.

User Profiles Connected to the Regional Settings and Printers

You can customize Regional Settings and your default Printer from "Settings" page to display data as you wish. These settings are stored in a profile section which is common to all the clients. (i.e. Windows Client, Web Client etc.)

If you customized these settings for your self then these formats are used regardless of language you are working with. 

Under the Printer Setting tab you can set the default printer and the default language for Report Printing.

Under the Themes tab you can set the color theme for all web pages