Page Layouts

Most Web Client page layouts can be customized in a basic and simple manor. These customizations can be done in two separate ways.

  1. Configurable Screen Layout - field width, location and visibility can be changed in both detailed and overview layouts. Field height, visibility of field Label and span of data field (in no. of columns) can only be changed for detailed mode.
  2. Page Properties - block layouts as well as tab visibility can be toggled using this customizing option.


Configurable Screen Layout

Fields may have their read only and mandatory properties changed.

Start Customizing Appearance


  1. Log on as the customizing user to IFS Applications and navigate to the page you want to customize.
  2. Click Properties icon to open up the Configurable Screen Layout  dialog.

Configure  Detail Layout


  1. In the Configurable Screen Layout dialog, click the Detail Layout tab to change the properties of the fields in detail mode.

Configure Overview Layout


  1. Click on the Overview Layout tab to change the properties of the fields in overview mode.


    Note: The width of the field will only be apparent if the data in that row for that field exceeds the field length. This is be illustrated using three dots (…)

  2. Customize the form according to the requirements of your business situation.
    Window description is available on F1 help.
  3. Apply the changes by clicking Apply or Apply & Close.
  4. Refresh the page for the changes to take effect.


Configure Menu Items


  1. Menu Items: Click the Menu Items tab. Disable/Enable the menu options as desired.


Configure Templates


  1. Templates: Click the Templates tab. Enter a new template and desired default values for fields in the page. You can add as many templates as you wish and set one as the default. When creating a new record you can then chose from one of these templates. The values in the selected template will be applied last. i.e. any default values set by PL/SQL API’s will be overwritten by these values.


Configure Mandatory Fields


  1. In Configurable Screen Layout dialog, click the Mandatory tab.
  2. Check the fields you want to appear mandatory. Note! You are only setting the mandatory field in this form. Any other form showing this field will also need to be considered for a flag change.
    Window description for the tab is available on help.


Configure Query


  1. Query: Click the Query tab and uncheck the field you do not wish to query on. The unchecked fields will NOT be displayed in find mode.

    Window description is available on help.


Configure Read Only Fields


  1. To set a field to be Read Only you click the Read Only tab in the Configurable Screen Layout dialog.

  2. Check the fields that you want to appear as read only. Note! You are only setting the read only flag for the field in this form. Any other form showing this field will also need to be considered for a flag change.


F1 Properties


F1 Properties tab shows the page name, block and view name of the web component you are configuring.

Commit Configuration Changes


  1. Apply the changes by clicking Apply or Apply & Close.
  2. Refresh the page for the changes to take effect.



Log on, as an end-user, to the IFS Web Client customized page. The page should now display the customized layout. On the customized page, press the icon in command bar and make sure Detail Layout, Read Only and Mandatory tabs are not visible. 

Open the customized form. The form should be displayed using a customized layout.

Verify that the user is allowed to perform his/hers tasks and that entering information works as intended.

If you need to view the form in the original settings use the option “Show page in Default Layout”.

If the page does not appear customized; Verify that the user is allowed to perform his/hers tasks and that entering information works as intended.


Page Properties


  1. Log on as the customizing user to IFS Applications and navigate to the page you want to customize.
  2. Click "Page Properties" menu item.
  3. Select the tab that best suits your customization requirements.

    If you need to toggle block layout visibility then select Block Layout Settings.

    if you need to re-order tabs or toggle tab visibility select tab settings

  4. Window description is available on F1 help.
  5. Apply the changes by clicking Apply or Apply & Close.
  6. Refresh the page for the changes to take effect.

Note: These customizations are subjected to change depending on the business logic.