Caches and Logs

The IFS Web Client framework and the end user browser caches information to make interaction with the system faster. This page explains what gets cached and where. It also shows where the log and trace files are located in the server.


Cache at Java VM

Every instance of Java EE server runs on a separate Java Virtual Machine and uses a different class loader for each site. So that each site runs as they runs in different Java VMs (actually not). IFS Web Client caches some information in Java VM and you can say each site has it's own cached information in the Java VM.

Translation Cache

IFS Web Client caches the run-time translations together with the term information. The first ever request for a particular component will cache all the run-time translations related to that component for the respective language. However the provides the functionality to pre-load all the run-time translations for the languages of the administrator’s choice. And also it provides the functionality to clear the translation cache as well.


Other Caches

IFS Web Client keeps the webclientconfig.xml information cached in Java VM for faster access. The framework caches also the entire run-time translation database together with the term information. Meta data describing accessed pages is cached in the Page Pool; user profile data and work data (context) are also cached. Security information is cached by the Extended Server framework and database.

  1. Reload the configuration file. 

    This can be done by calling the located at common/scripts. i.e. http://<server>/<site>/common/scripts/, button "Reload Configuration file". Reloading of the configuration file clears also page pool, profile cache and translation data. Also the security cache in Extended Server is cleared. Access to this page is controlled by the Presentation Object Security.
  2. Clear Security Cache

    Some security information is cached in the Java VM (in Extended Server framework) and you can use "Clear Security Cache"  button at the (located at above location) to clear such security caches.
  3. Clear Profile Cache

    Profile information for the logged in user is also cached in the Java VM (in Extented Server Framework) and you can use "Clear Profile Cache" button to clear such caches and reload the profile into the cache.
  4. Clear Broadcast Message Cache

    The broadcast messages are cached in the java VM (in Extended Server framework) and you can use "Clear Broadcast Message Cache"  button at the to clear such broadcast messages and reload from database.
  5. Extract Navigator for presentation object security

    Extract Navigator into a xml file to be used in solution manager for setting presentation object security.

  6. Restart the Java EE server. 

    This step depends on the Java EE server you use.

All the pages and contexts of currently working users are cached at the Java VM. When replacing Java classes with new ones, Java EE server should be restarted . Otherwise the old Java files will still be used. 

For detailed explanation about the context cache visit "Configuration of the Context and the Context Cache" page.

Cache at Client Browser

Web browsers use cache to store information about the current web page, to improve the access the next time the page is loaded. The cache can be removed and configured at the client. If after changing something in the java page or the webclientconfig.xml and if it doesn't seem to have any effect, it's always recommended to shutdown the browser, clear the browser cache and try again.

Cache at the Database

Security information is also cached at the database. Make sure that the security cache is refreshed after security changes in the database.

IFS Web Client Logs

Logging can be enabled in file. For more details on logging see

# Web Client log file