Example of Creating a Basic Operational Report using Business Intelligence Development Studio

This example describes how to create SSRS Reports report with Microsoft BIDS Studio. The example report shows step-by-step instruction of how to create the Demo Customer Order Invoice report:



1. Microsoft Visual Studio.

2. BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) for Microsoft Visual Studio (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173767%28v=sql.105%29.aspx)

3. Using the IFS SSRS Operational Reporting Visual Studio Extension Installer install the IFS Report Data Service Extension to Microsoft Visual Studio.

Creating a SSRS layout

  1. Create a new Business Intelligence Report project in Visual Studio, this example follows the Report server project wizard.

  2. Data source information 1.

    1. Name for the Data Source:

    2. Type of the Data Source: Select "IFS Report Data Services"

    3. Connection String: WSDL endpoint of the IFS Instance

  3. Data source information 2. Credentials.

    Stored credentials in the Data Source to communicate with the IFS instance, a user with access to the result set. or IFS print in the runtime.

  4. Query.


    PRODUCT_CATALOG_REP:DATA (Operational Data block)
    PRODUCT_CATALOG_REP:TRANSLATIONS (All Translations data , archive variables, site texts etc )

  5. Select the report type


  6. Select the columns


  7. Report Deployment information .


  8. Once the report wizard is finished the auto generated layout is presented.


  9. Add parameters.

    9.1. Add "IFS" parameter to the report

    9.2. Add the parameter to the data set

  10. Preview.

    IFS Report Data Service extension will communicate with the IFS instance and it will use the first available and accessible data set for the preview. Notice that "IFS" parameter is kept Null.

    When previewing if the error message "Error in retrieving data: No entries in Report archive for the given Report ID " appears instead of data, that means there are no qualifying data for preview. User will have to order the relevant report in the connecting IFS instance.


  11. Deploy the report.

    11.1 RMB the project and select deploy, deploy will use the server name and folder details provided when creating the project.

    11.2 at this point you will be prompt for credentials, since the SSRS instance is expected to be configured with the IFS extension, and IFS user credentials are required at this point to the deploy the report.


Creating a SSRS RPL

IFS SSRS integration is implemented as an Extended report plug-in. there for a Report plug-in layout  is required to represent the the SSRS layout within the IFS instance.


Report Plug-in Layout

Layout properties

The required layout properties for the xml plug-in:

Name Value
plugin-type SSRS
plugin-class ifs.application.ssrs.impl.SSRSPlugin
output-extension pdf

Plug-in properties

Name Value
ssrs-layout sample/Report_sample
ssrs-timeout 5000 (in milliseconds)

Plug-in data


Plug-in variables



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <layout-type>SSRS</layout-type> <!--SCRIPT,XSL,XML,EXCEL-->
    <output-method>FILE</output-method> <!-- BINARY,FILE,E-MAIL-->
      <binary></binary> <!-- leave empty to control this from the print dialog (it will be the physical printer connected to a logical printer) -->
      <file></file> <!-- not used unless changing output-method above to FILE-->
    <report-id>MODULE_REP</report-id> <!-- Change this to your REPORT ID -->
    <report-title>Component Information</report-title> <!-- Title shown in the drop down, if installed via the installer -->


SSRS RPL follows the standard RPL deployment procedure please follow the Manage Report Plug-in Reports