Create Term Usage Definitions

This chapter describes how to create and manage term usage definitions. It also covers topics such as status handling, term lifecycle, history and low quality indications.



Create Usage Definition

The creation of a new term is made in the Manage Term feature. This feature is easily accessed from the navigator entry New Term see Create Term. A term needs at least one usage definition and you cannot save a term without register a definition. The usage definition describes how the term is used throughout the application. A specific term can be used differently, thus the possibility to register more than one definition, see figure 1 below.

Figure 1. An example of a term with several usages, for display and for entry purposes.

When creating a new term so is an Entry usage in a Preliminary state defaulted. You can keep the usage name or change it to anything you like, normally used definition names are; Display, Entry or Definition.

In the Basic Definition field should you register the definition of a term for a given usage. As a minimum the definition (i.e., the field descriptions) should answer the questions:

And if applicable:

If the term doesn't have any definition, then the No Definition check box should be selected. The Basic Definition field will then be disabled. The Extended Definition field is currently not used, it's intended to contain a more detailed description the term, given a specific usage.

An user defined Identifier can be registered on a usage, this is used in development to group certain usages together. The identifier could for example be a certain task or a project. For more information read Manage Term Basic Data.

Additional usage definitions can be added by clicking on the Add Usage link label. You can also right click on the Definition tab and select the Add Usage menu item. It's however recommended that you try to minimize the number of usages for a specific term. It's better to use a more generic definition, if possible.

Change Lifecycle

All new usage definitions is created in the first lifecycle stage that is defined in Manage Term Basic Data. The first lifecycle stage is Draft if the pre-defined basic data is used. Lifecycles are used when the usage is in a Preliminary state to follow up authoring progress before it can be released for translation. The predefined lifecycle data contains stages as Draft, Content Review, Linguistic Review and Approved for Translations.

You change the lifecycle by using the drop down list and select the appropriate lifecycle, see figure 2. If the basic definition is changed after a new lifecycle stage has been set, so is the revision number for the affected usage increased. See more information about revision here.


Figure 2. Shows all predefined lifecycle stages.

If a lifecycle is set to the end lifecycle (Approved for Translation) so is the usage automatically released. Note that the corresponding term cannot be in a preliminary state.

Revert Usage Definition

As stated above so is the term automatically released when the lifecycle is set to an end stage. It's first when the usage definition is released that translations can be performed, see Translate Usage Definition.

The release can be undone (reverted) if the usage definition is released by mistake. Right click on the Definition tab in the Manage Term feature for a selected usage and select the Revert Release menu item, see figure 3 below. This will set back the selected usage definition to a Preliminary state.

Figure 3. The Revert Release menu item can be used to set back the usage to a Preliminary status.

It's thereafter possible to release the usage definition again by using the Release Definition menu item, see figure above. Note that this option is only possible when the usage is in a Preliminary state and the lifecycle is set to an end stage.

Change Default Usage

One of the terms usage definitions needs to be set as a default usage. This default definition should be the general definition about a term. The default usage definition is used in the Term Binding, when the binding doesn't pinpoint a specific usage.

To change the default usage, just right click on the usage that should be default and select the Set Default Usage menu item. You need to save the term before the changes are affected. The default usage definition for term is indicated with a bold font in the Manage Term feature.

Note: Only one usage definition can be set as a default usage for a term.

Quality Alert Usage Definition

It's possible to indicate that something is amiss with a specific usage, this is done be setting the usage to low quality. It's also recommended that you describes why the usage is of a low quality in the Note Text field.

Right click on the usage that should be quality alerted and select the Low Quality menu item, see figure 3 above. An low quality usages is indicated in the application with an icon.

If the usage definition is so erroneous that is should never be used, then it's possible to set the usage to obsolete. Usages in a preliminary state can be deleted, right click one the usage and select the Delete Usage Definition menu item. A term needs at least one operational usage, so you cannot delete or set all usages to status Obsolete.

View Usage History

Important changes on the usage definition is registered in a history log. The kind of change that was made is named as an history event. For each event it's possible to see who made the change and when, what has changed and the actual change.

Example of logged events are changes of lifecycle, states and basic definition. To view the history for a specific usage click on the View History link. This opens the View History dialog

This doesn't work right now and the text above need to be changed to RMB or whatever it should be. /JOOLSE

A new revision is created the first time the basic definition is modified in a new lifecycle stage or in a new state. If needed it's possible to revert to an old definition. First you need to find the old revision that you want to revert to, then you click on Revert To This Definition link in the View History dialog, see figure above. This will automatically close the dialog and change the basic definition to the revision you selected. Thereafter you need to save the record.