Bind Terms

This chapter describes how to work with term bindings. The term binding is the actual connection between a application label and a term with a specified usage and a display name.


Finding Application Labels to Bind

The term binding features displays all application labels that can be term bound. An easy way to find unconnected application labels for a specific component is to use the Term Binding Explorer.

Figure 1. Explore all unconnected (not bound) labels for the CALLC component.

Another way to find term binding records is to use the search option in the toolbar. This is the recommended method to find bindings for a specific application form or a logical unit. This is done by enter a search value for the Context Path.

Note: Term Binding requires that the LNG files are imported into the system. The LNG files holds the information about all existing term bindings. Newly added translatable attributes need to be scanned before they can be term bound. 

Bind Label to Term

The unique identifier to the application label that can be connected to a term is displayed in the Context Path column. The actual source label is visible in the Prog. Text column. The suggest term functionality that can be toggled on and off at the menu option Automatically Suggest Term uses the prog text in order to find matching terms. You can also right click on a selected record and use menu option Suggest Term.

Start by selecting the row that should have a term binding. If the Suggest Terms functionality is enabled will the system provide you with a list of suggest terms, see figure below.

Figure 2. A list of suggested terms that can be connected to the selected record.

Expanding the term gives you a list of display names. Double click on a display name or one of the usage definitions to create a term binding. You can also right click and select the Connect Localize Attribute menu item. The term's default usage is used if you select a term or a display name and not a specific usage. You can also change the term display name by using the drop down list for Display Types, see figure below.


Figure 3. Change display names by selecting of of the display types.

All completed term bindings are indicated with the Connection Complete  flag in the Status column.

Search Term

Use the search functionality if you didn't find any suggested terms that is suitable. You can also create a new term directly. It's however recommended to search for any existing terms before this is done in order to avoid duplicate terms.

To search for a term select the record, right click and select menu option Search Term. This opens up the Search Term dialog where you can specify your own search criteria, see figure 4. It's also possible to limit your search to a certain domain. If the Always Search In General check box is selected so will the system search for matching terms both in the specified domain and in the General domain.

Figure 4. The Search Term dialog.

The result of your search is presented in a list below the suggested terms, see figure 5. The functionality for selecting a term from the search list is identical as selecting a suggested term. The search result may very well include terms that were part of the suggested term list.

Figure 5. The result from the term search in figure 4.

Set Term Connection

The last way to bind to an existing term is to use the Set Term Connection. This is recommended if you on forehand knows which term to use. This is also the only way to connect several records at one time, this requires that the Suggest Terms functionality is toggled off in the tool bar.

Select one or several records, right click and select the Set Term Connection menu item. This opens the Connect To Term dialog, see figure 6.

Figure 6. The Connect To Term dialog.

Specify the term to connect to in the Term reference box. Select a Display Name and a Usage in the drop down lists. You can see the basic text for the selected usage in the Definition field.

Exclude From Documentation

Server (logical unit) related labels are marked as excluded from documentation, this means that there is no possibility to connect the label to a specific usage definition. You can also manually set this option for any label. The implication in the application is that there will not be any field description (What's This Text) for that particular label. The label however is still translatable. To do this just select the Excl. Doc. check box.

Technical Note: Bindings that are excluded form documentation are connected to the terms default usage, even if this isn't visible in the term binding client. 

Create Term

If you after searching through existing terms still cannot find any term that suits your need, then you need to create a new one. Select the unbound record, right click and select menu option Create Term. This opens the Create Term dialog, see figure 7.

Figure 7. The Create Term dialog with defaulted values.

The source label is defaulted as term name (full name) and short name. The system also tries to find domain and owner from the current term owner component connection. All defaulted values can of course be changed. If the OK button is not enabled, make sure that the Term Domain and Term Owner values gets validated correctly.  

Enter a Basic Text or select the No Definition checkbox, usually you also need to modify the term name, since the source label might not be a good name to use. Pressing the OK button will create a new term in a Preliminary state. It will also default the newly created term and usage as new term binding. You need to save in order to persist the binding. The new term is created with two display names, Short Name is the defaulted one.

Set No Term Connection

Some application labels are never displayed for the end user, e.g. a column that is need for certain application logic in the client but is never actually displayed. These can be indicated with a No Term Connection flag in the Term Binding feature. The consequences for a no term connection indication is that the label will never be translated and no What's This text will be available. Use this with caution!

To indicate a label as a  no term connection just select the record and right click on the grid. Thereafter select the No Term Connection menu item, see figure 8 below.

Figure 8. The complete list of menu items for the Term Binding feature. In this figure the record is marked as a No Term Connection.

Note: Already connected records can also be set as no term connection, but the existing term connection will be lost. The system will however prompt you with a warning text before this happens.

Remove Term Binding

Use the Remove Term Binding menu item to completely remove the connected term binding for an application label. The term itself will not be removed, only the binding. This should only be done if the existing term binding is erroneous. Do not use this option if the connected term is correct but the display name or usage are wrong. In that case it's better to change the display type or select another usage for the connected term.

Get Model Term Bindings

There's is an option for Rich Web Client labels to fetch term connection from the data bound view (entity) attribute. Select unbound records, right click and select the menu item Get Model Term Bindings to use this option. This functionality is only accessible for records with Rich Web Client as Main Type and where the Data-Bound Attribute and Data-Bound View have values. The system will fetch the term binding from corresponding entity attribute. Press Save to persist the suggested bindings. 

Verify Changed Labels

Any existing term binding may be erroneous after an application label is changed in the source code. It can be that another term display name should be used or even a completely new term. It all depends on the nature of the change. The system will indicate these changed labels (prog texts) with a specific flag.

It's possible to explore on these on a module basis. Expand the Attribute Changed node (see figure 1 above) and select the Changed node.

To reset the Changed flag, make a change if needed and thereafter select the Reset Changed Status menu item. This will clear out the indication and change back the status to completed if a binding exists.

Show Binding History

The application also keeps track of major changes (events) of a term binding. It can for example be if an usage or display name is changed. For each event it's possible to see who made the change and when, what has changed and the actual change.

To view the history for a specific term binding record right click and select the View History... menu item. This opens the View History dialog.

Show Application Form

If you right click and select the Show Application Form menu item, and you will open a new window with the form where the term binding will be used.

This menu item also works for Web forms, but first you have to specify the URL for where the web client is located. This is done be selecting the Set Java Client URL menu item. You only need to do this once, since the path is stored in your profile. You can however use the same menu item if you need to change the URL.

Where is Term Used

One particular term can as you may have noticed be connected to several application labels. It's uttermost important to know where a specific term, display name or usage definition is used, when it's going to be modified. It's of course possible to use the term binding search to find out this information. But since this information is crucial, there's another powerful tool you can use.

Open the detailed feature (Manage Term) for a specific term and click on the Where Used tab. This gives you an overview of where the term is used. It's also possible to group on display type and usage definition to easily see which application labels they are connected to, see figure 10.

Figure 9. The Where Used information for a term. This result set is grouped by usage definition.

Use the menu item Show Term Bindings... to navigate to the actual term bindings, notice that you can select one or several bindings at once. The recommended way to work if you for instance want to change all bindings for a term usage definition with another is as follows;

Display Binding Progress

When selecting the top node Explore Term Bindings in the navigator tree the feature Term Binding Progress is displayed, see figure below.

Figure 10. Configuration in the Term Binding Progress feature.

Here you can configure which components you want to be displayed in the chart. Click the Show Component Configuration link to view the configuration. Select available components and press the arrow button to include it, or use drag and drop. Used components are stored in your profile. You can navigate to the Term Binding feature by clicking in the graph. This chart can be used as your personal start page for term binding.

Build Satellite Assemblies

This is the new process that can be used to test the translation of IEE of RWC type. [Same time this will replace the old Refresh Language Cache of RWC type].

RMB option “Build Satellite Assemblies…” on term binding feature will open the flowing dialog where user specifies the some parameters.

Figure 11. Build Satellite DLLs on Term Binding feature.

Mandatory Paths & Options


Once user defines those parameters, user can generate the satellite assemblies for selected DLLs. Advanced Settings option allow users to amend optional parameters according to user requirements.

Figure 12. Build Satellite DLLs with full options on Term Binding feature.

Workspace Paths

Output Paths