Translate Term Usage Definitions

This chapter describes how to translate term display names. For detailed information about the different translation states and how they correlate read this.


Explore Translations

Use the Explore Usage Translations to find all usage definitions that needs translations for a specific language, see figure 1 below. You can narrow your working set by either exploring on domains or owners in combination with translation status or using the Term Usage Translations search in the toolbar.

Figure 1. Explore can be used to find term usages that needs to be translated.

The search or explore result will be displayed in an overview feature, see figure below. If you select the top or the language node in the explore tree so is a diagram displayed instead. In this diagram can you can see the current translation progress. You can also navigate to the overview feature by clicking in the diagram. 

Figure 2. The explore usage translation overview feature.

Translate Definition

There a two requirements that needs to be fulfilled in order to enable translation of a term usage definition;

This in combination with all active languages gives you the total number of translatable usage definitions. Read this for more information about a term usage definition.

To use the built in translation support select the record in the Explore Usage Translation feature that needs translation. Right click and thereafter select the Show Details.. menu item. This opens up the Manage Translated Definitions feature, see figure


Figure 3. Shows how a Swedish translation is registered for a specific term usage definition.

This feature holds the translated definitions for a specific term usage and language. In addition to the translated definitions so can you also view information about who has performed the translation and when it was made.

When you start working with a translation will it be in a Not Translated status. When entering a translation in the Basic Definition Translation field and save the status will change to In Translation. The translation will remain in this status until you indicate that the translation is ready. The translation will then be set to status Translated.

To indicate a translation as ready just select the Done link above the translated text. You can also right click and select the Done menu item, see figure below.

Figure 4. Translations in status In Translation can be indicated as completed by using the Done menu item.

Revise Definition

Completed translation (status Translated) is in read only mode, thus you need to revise them in order to facilitate change possibilities. This can be done by selecting the Revise link or using the Revise menu item, see figure 5.

If the usage definition itself is changed so will any existing translations automatically be set to a Revised status. Translation in a revised status can be set to status Translated by using the same translation done functionality as described above.

Figure 5. Translations in status Translated can be indicated as revised by using the Revise menu item.

Note: It's also possible revise several records at one time in the Explore Usage Translation feature.

Review Translation

Review of translated usages can be performed in the Manage Translated Definitions feature. It's possible to approve or reject a completed translation. Approval can only be performed in status Translated. If the translation is rejected so will the translation status automatically be changed to Revised. To review a translation select the Approve or Reject menu items, see figure 6 below.

Figure 6. All review status menu options when Translated but not yet approved or rejected.

Figure 7. All review status menu options when Translated but approved or rejected .


The Reset menu option will set the Review Status to Not Reviewed. This option is only available if the translation previously is either rejected or approved. You can indicate that review is needed by setting the status to To Be Reviewed.

Note: It's also possible change review status for several records at one time in the Explore Usage Translation feature.

Component Search

Sometimes it's important to know which usage translations that needs to be translated based on installed components. This can be done by selecting the menu option Filter. This opens up the Search Translations By Component dialog, see figure 8.

Figure 8. The Component Search dialog.

Select the components that you want to translate usages for. Specify a Language and translation Status (normally Not Translated). You can enter a identifier if you want to, leave blank otherwise. When you press Ok so will the Explore Usage Translation feature get populated with usage translations that matches the given criteria. Note that if you specify a lot of components so will this take a few minutes.

Export And Import

An option to the built-in translation support is to use an external translation agency. The IFS Translation Manager provides support for sending and receiving term usage translation xml files. You can choose between two different file format; Translation Memory Exchange (TMX) or Localization Interchange File Format  (XLIFF). The purpose with both formats is to store localizable data and carry it from one step of the localization process to the other.

Use the Export For Translation... menu item in the Explore Usage Translation overview feature for the set of records that should be send for translation. This menu option opens up a small dialog, see figure below. You need to choose the xml format to use (TMX or XLIFF) for the exported file. You can also decide that the created xml file should be validated against an pre-defined DTD (Document Type Definition).

Figure 9. The option dialog for usage translation export.

Status for the exported records is normally changed to In Translation. You have the ability to run the export in a test mode, this will not change the status for the selected records.

The translation files that are sent back from the agency can be imported in the Import Term Translations feature. Press the Browse button and select the files that should be imported. Thereafter press the Import button to start the import. The Log text contains information about the progress and if any errors occurred during import. Successfully imported usage translations ends up in status Translated.

Figure 10. The feature for importing TMX or XLIFF translation files.