
Add a simple item to a buffer. There's is one general procedure where data type is explicitly given as an argument and an overloaded procedure where the value can be of type VARCHAR2, DATE, NUMBER or BOOLEAN.

The length of string value is limited to 2000 characters. The item type will be S, N or D depending on which procedure call is used. If an item with the value NULL should be added the NULL value has to be of the correct type to avoid a compile time error. Use TO_CHAR(NULL) to add a string item with the value NULL, TO_NUMBER(NULL) to add a numeric item with the value NULL and TO_DATE(NULL) to add a date item with the value NULL or use a variable of the correct data type.

Note. If the VARCHAR2 data type procedure is used it is the calling applications responsibility to format the data according to Ti22 standards.

   buffer_  IN OUT type_buffer_,
   name_    IN     type_name_,
   value_   IN     VARCHAR2,
   typ_     IN     type_typ_,
   status_  IN     type_status_ DEFAULT TRUE )

   buffer_  IN OUT type_buffer_,
   name_    IN     type_name_,
   value_   IN     VARCHAR2,
   status_  IN     type_status_ DEFAULT TRUE )

   buffer_  IN OUT type_buffer_,
name_ IN type_name_, value_   IN     NUMBER,    status_  IN type_status_ DEFAULT TRUE ) PROCEDURE Add_Item ( buffer_  IN OUT type_buffer_, name_ IN type_name_,
value_ IN DATE,
status_  IN     type_status_ DEFAULT TRUE )



Item name.

Item value.

Item type is any Foundation1 data type.
    If value data type is VARCHAR2 item type will be set to S.
    If value data type is DATE item type will be set to D.
    If value data type is NUMBER item type will be set to N.

Item status.