
The procedure creates a message in the Extended Server queue. The procedure makes a pre-routing to find out which queue to put the message in. If bizapi_name_ = 'EVENT_MSG' the message will be put in the NOTIFICATIONS queue. If no matching routing rule is found the message will be put in the OUT1 queue.

NOTE: This procedure is private and must only be used internally by the Plsql Access Provider.

PROCEDURE Create_Application_Message___ (
   message_id_              OUT    NUMBER,
   record_                  IN OUT Plsqlap_Record_API.type_record_,
   sender_            IN     VARCHAR2,
  receiver_                IN     VARCHAR2  DEFAULT default_receiver_,
  media_code_              IN     VARCHAR2  DEFAULT default_media_code_,
   bizapi_name_  IN     VARCHAR2  DEFAULT default_class_id_,    subject_ IN     VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL );


    Returns the message id in the Extended Server queue, FNDCN_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_TAB.APPLICATION_MESSAGE_ID.

    A record that corresponds to a view definition in Extended Server. This record will automatically be converted to XML and attached as a binary body to the message before it is sent.

    Optional identity of sending organization. The value will be entered in FNDCN_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_TAB.SENDER.

    Optional identity of receiving organization. The value will be entered in FNDCN_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_TAB.RECEIVER.

    Optional. The value will be entered in FNDCN_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_TAB.MESSAGE_TYPE.

    Name of the BizAPI as specified in the repository. For example 'SEND_ORDER_CONFIRMATION'. The value will be entered in FNDCN_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_TAB.MESSAGE_FUNCTION.

    Optional. The value will be entered in FNDCN_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_TAB.SUBJECT. Default value is "Message from Plsql Access Provider".
