
This procedure has been removed. Use the procedure Post_Outbound_BizApi

PROCEDURE Create_Connectivity_Message (
   message_id_              OUT    NUMBER,
   record_                  IN OUT Plsqlap_Record_API.type_record_,
   interface_           IN     Plsqlap_Server_API.type_interface_
   DEFAULT 'Utility_Application_Messaging',
   operation_               IN     Plsqlap_Server_API.type_method_
      DEFAULT 'Post_Message',
   receiver_                IN     VARCHAR2                             DEFAULT 'CONNECT',
   class_id_                IN     VARCHAR2                             DEFAULT 'CONNECT_MSG',    media_code_              IN     VARCHAR2                                      DEFAULT 'CONNECT',
   application_message_id_  IN     VARCHAR2                                      DEFAULT NULL,    application_receiver_id_ IN     VARCHAR2                                      DEFAULT NULL,    sender_                  IN     VARCHAR2                                      DEFAULT NULL,    format_code_             IN     VARCHAR2                                      DEFAULT NULL,    load_balancing_group_    IN     Plsqlap_Record_API.type_load_balancing_group_ DEFAULT NULL,    package_view_name_       IN     VARCHAR2                                      DEFAULT NULL,    business_api_            IN     VARCHAR2                                      DEFAULT NULL


The table shows the parameter correspondence. The parameters in Create_Connectivity_Message that has no corresponding parameter in Post_Outbound_Bizapi is not needed.

Create_Connectivity_Message Post_Outbound_Bizapi Default values
business_api_ bizapi_name_
record_ message_body_
sender_ sender_ Same
receiver_ receiver_ Same
media_code_ message_type Same
message_id_ message_id_