
The Invoke_Outbound_Request_BizAPI procedure synchronously invokes a BizAPI and waits for the reply. The supplied message body record is converted to XML and attached as a binary body to an application message.

Invoke_Outbound_Request_BizAPI has been created specifically to invoke a remote service (for example a web service) via the IFS Connect framework and from within PLSQL code.

PROCEDURE Invoke_Outbound_Request_BizAPI(
   bizapi_name_             IN     VARCHAR2, 
   message_body_            IN OUT type_record_,
   sender_                  IN     VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
   receiver_                IN     VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT default_recevier_,
   connection_string_       IN     type_connection_string_  DEFAULT NULL );


    Name of the BizAPI as specified in the repository. For example 'GET_STOCK_QUOTE'. The BizAPI name is used to set the message type and function attributes of the application message.

    A record that corresponds to the BizAPI view definition. This record will automatically be converted to XML and attached as a binary body to the message before it is sent.

    Optional identity of sending organization.

    Optional identity of receiving organization.

    Optional connection string to an application server. If no connection string is supplied the call will be to the application server set in the configuration (Set_Plsqlap_Environment).

Record handling

Invoke_Outbound_Request_BizAPI will not delete the input/output record. To prevent superfluous consumption of temporary tablespace, a PLSQLAP_Record_API.Clear_Record procedure call must be issued when finished with processing the record.


   sqr_ PLSQLAP_Record_API.type_record_;
   -- create a record corresponding to the view which is the BizAPIs parameter
   PLSQLAP_Record_API.Set_Value(sqr_, 'SYMBOL', 'MSFT');

   -- Invoke a remote service through IFS Connect. A correct application message with the given record as XML 
   -- body will be created. The application message will then be routed according to configured message routing,
   -- any transport connectors (for example SOAP connector) invoked synchronously, and the final result 
   -- returned here. This way you can for example invoke a remote web service from whithin PLSQL!
   PLSQLAP_Server_API.Invoke_Outbound_Request_BizAPI('GET_STOCK_QUOTE', sqr_);

   -- debug the record returned from the BizAPI to see what was returned
   -- remove record from temporary tablespace